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Word of the Week:
strategery (stra-te-geree)
A great deal of strategy and other stuff
Usage: This plan embodies a great deal of strategery

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." -- Mahatma Gandhi

About me
My name is Josh Hyman, and I was born, raised, and continue to live in Southern California (one of the seemingly few natives). I am happily employed at Google and just recently finished my Ph.D. in Computer Science at UCLA under Deborah Estrin in the Center for Embedded Networked Sensing (CENS). In the summer you'll find me playing baseball, tennis, and occasionally hiking; during the winter, the slopes are my second home. My reading these days seems to be confined to design documents and academic papers.

As clarification, no, I am not a wide receiver for Virginia Tech; he appears to be a bad ass even though a bad call tries to steal his glory in this video (the game was played against school for which I have a special, um, dislike). Incidentally, I am not a comedian either.

My work
My work is concentrated in two very distinct areas within computer science. I'll spare you the gory details as to why my work seems to be bi-polar; but you are smart, you can probably guess.

Distributed Systems:
At heart, I'm a systems guy; that is most of why I work at Google. My recent work involves building parts of the crawling pipeline which are required to be scalable, fault-tolerant, and fast. Clearly, even with no further explanation, there is no shortage of interesting problems to work on.
Image processing and data analysis in sensor networks:
Imagers are second class sensors (in the world of sensor networks of course) because they can't produce biological measurements directly. The goal of my recent work is to provide a method to model a natural phenomena using simple features (color, texture, etc) extracted from images. Using these models, we can then build in-situ imagers capable of producing biological measurements directly. For more information, consult the academic papers I've written on the subject.

Want to help?
I'm not looking for money; quite the contrary, I'd like to help you earn some yourself!

If any of my work is of interest, you might consider applying for an internship at Google or at CENS. Both of these internships are paid and are located in the west side of Los Angeles (you'll have to be able to commit to working out here part or full time). Take a look at Dan Kegel's programming academy site for what a qualified intern would look like. If you are still interested (and I hope you are) drop me a line including a pointer to some of your recent work and a resume to josh.hyman at

If you are more interested in a position of the full-time variety, both Google and CENS are hiring, so you are in luck. Again, send me email including a pointer to some of your recent work and a resume.